Shares issued and outstanding 126,557,383 Stock Options 8,800,000
Performance Share Units 4,000,000 Warrants 20,179,892
Fully Diluted 159,537,275 Fixed Equity Awards 4,000,000

Date of last update: 18 October 2024

Significant Shareholders

Investor Shares Held % Ownership
Cambrian(1) 12,906,898 10.2 %
Thomas Abraham-James 12,334,454 9.7 %
ABCapital BV(2) 15,500,000 12.2 %
Archean (Bluett Family Trust) 9,490,243 7.5 %
Frontier Resources International Inc. 6,175,849 4.9 %
Jerry Keen 4,500,000 3.6 %

1Cambrian Limited, a private corporation, controlled by Neil Herbert, Executive Chair and Director of the Company.
2ABCrescent Coöperatief U.A., a corporation governed by the laws of the Netherlands, which is an affiliate of ABCapital BV Brice Laurent, a non-executive director of the Company, is a managing partner of ABCapital BV.

The number of Common Shares outstanding is 159,537,275. No Common Shares are held in treasury
The percentage of shares not in public hands is 50.4%

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